• Six Questions with Dekode

    Six Questions with Dekode

    This series profiles each of our featured partner agencies. Dekode is a digital agency based in Norway focused exclusively on …

  • Choosing the Right Multilingual Solution for Enterprise Development

    Choosing the Right Multilingual Solution for Enterprise Development

    Giuseppe Mazzapica from VIP agency partner Inpsyde reviewed some of the best known WordPress plugins, including multilingual solutions.

  • Amnesty and the power of Gutenberg, the new WordPress editor

    Amnesty and the power of Gutenberg, the new WordPress editor

    Agency partner Big Bite has built an entirely new site platform for Nobel Peace Prize Winner Amnesty International, with the new WordPress editor as it foundation, via the Gutenberg plugin. They focused on developing custom blocks and a core theme that serve as the heart of Amnesty’s digital efforts moving forward.

  • Welcome, Setka!

    Welcome, Setka!

    We’re excited to announce our newest technical partner, Setka! Setka creates tools that make it easy for content creators to …

  • Six Questions with 10up

    Six Questions with 10up

    This post series profiles each of our featured partner agencies. 10up is a digital agency focused on delivering finely crafted …

  • Six Questions with rtCamp

    Six Questions with rtCamp

    This post series profiles each of our featured partner agencies. rtCamp has been a WordPress.com VIP Partner since 2016 and …

  • Welcome Yoast!

    Welcome Yoast!

    We’re excited to announce Yoast as a VIP technical partner! Over the last year we’ve been working with the Yoast …

  • What Goes in to a VIP Client Onsite?

    What Goes in to a VIP Client Onsite?

    WordPress.com VIP provides a wide range of services to our clients beyond managed cloud hosting. Some of those take place …

  • Independent Speed and Performance Analysis Finds WordPress VIP Fastest Among Top Tier Hosts

    Independent Speed and Performance Analysis Finds WordPress VIP Fastest Among Top Tier Hosts

    WordPress.com VIP has once again been acknowledged as a top-tier provider of enterprise-level WordPress hosting, posting the fastest average response times from a range of global testing locations in independent analysis carried out by Review Signal.

  • Gutenberg at BigWP London

    Gutenberg at BigWP London

    Design lead Tammie Lister describes some of the ways the Gutenberg team has brought in feedback and hands-on user participation, including online and via an in person testing booth at WordCamp US.

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