Behind the scenes of News UK’s rampant speed to value

Long-time client News UK has a need for speed. When they discovered the benefits of the new Gutenberg block editor in WordPress, they saw an opportunity to accelerate their content production.

Gutenberg introduced a JavaScript-based drag-and-drop editor to WordPress, along with a customizable building block structure that streamlines content creation. Blocks can be used to insert, rearrange, and style media-rich content with very little technical knowledge – making it perfect for journalists, marketers, and other contributors who need to spin up content quickly without taxing their technical team or outside vendors.

An initial pilot program resulted in 60% improvement in speed to publish — so now they’re rolling out that pilot across global brands.

And because the Gutenberg roadmap includes continual product enhancements over the next several years, News UK knows they have a partner they can trust to keep them on the front lines of digital innovation.

With Gutenberg, we were able to publish a breaking news story in two minutes versus five minutes in Classic [WordPress]. The main reason for this is the reusable blocks which have been renamed ‘The Game Changer’.

Joel Davies, Head of Editorial Operations

Key results

  • Streamlined publishing workflows in the new WordPress block editor
  • 60% improvement in time to publish
  • 30% reduction in the number of clicks to publish an article
  • Created an internal community of shared resources that can be leveraged across sister publications

Learn more

To learn more about this project, please download the News UK case study PDF. And if you have any questions, simply get in touch!

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