WordPress VIP vs. Pantheon

WordPress VIP is the agile, enterprise-ready platform built on WordPress. Unlike Pantheon, which offers basic WordPress hosting designed for independent developers and small businesses, WordPress VIP offers an end-to-end partnership, higher levels of security and reliability, and a complete platform to meet your unique business needs.

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Highest performance in independent tests

WordPress VIP has tuned its infrastructure in the most demanding environments. In independent tests, we routinely receive the highest marks.

Scalable to billions

WordPress VIP scales on the fly as you grow. Unlike Pantheon, which caps even their Elite level service to 20M unique visitors, we can help you handle much higher spikes. And we don’t place artificial caps on storage, application containers, or other pieces needed to scale.

Security with the certifications to match

WordPress VIP utilizes a multi-pronged security approach to meet the most stringent security requirements. That’s why it’s the only WordPress-based solution to receive FedRAMP certification.

Real SLAs

WordPress VIP delivers guaranteed SLAs to ensure you are ready for anything that might hit you. Most Pantheon plans only offer an “uptime expectation,” no guarantee at all.

A full partnership

We work with you every step of the way. Besides WordPress experts available 24x7x365, we provide relationship managers, technical account managers, and other dedicated experts to help you through key milestones.

Support for your applications

Building a digital experience requires not just infrastructure but plugins, themes, and your own code. Pantheon supports only their infrastructure, which means when complex issues arise, you’re on your own. WordPress VIP’s application support provides deep support for every piece of your environment.

Technical and strategic consulting

We go beyond just reactive support to proactively help you make the right decisions to power your growth. Our architectural consultants help you assemble the best enterprise solutions, experts, and global agencies from a large open-source community to build a technology stack—meeting your needs, today and tomorrow.

Higher level of experience

We’re not new to WordPress. Since the inception of the WordPress project, we’ve been on the cutting edge. Our experts know better than anyone else how to optimize WordPress for enterprise functionality and have helped many of the world’s largest organizations grow.

“Businesses can’t operate the way they used to. Everything has to be content.”

Mallory Russell, Square
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A validated partner ecosystem

One of the key benefits of choosing WordPress is access to the world’s biggest ecosystem of technology partners, agencies, and developers. And no one knows that ecosystem better than us. Unlike Pantheon, our formal partner program gives you direct access to WordPress experts who can tailor specific solutions to your business.

Integrated developer tools

WordPress VIP empowers your developers with tools to improve their processes and make code deployment easier. We incorporate tools like GitHub directly into our platform experience, enabling continuous integration and continuous delivery.

Cutting-edge content creation

WordPress VIP stays on the leading edge of new content creation tools. For example, because Automattic is deeply involved in the development of the Gutenberg editor, we can help you with new capabilities like full-site editing the minute they are available.

Content analytics and insights

WordPress VIP goes beyond just the development of content to help you understand how content is performing. Our integrated content analytics provide real-time feedback to help you improve your content initiatives.

“Using WordPress VIP means that my team can focus on being creative and innovative, rather than spending time worrying about architecture.”

Ryan Pugatch, Hachette Book Group
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