WordPress VIP and Core Web Vitals

What it means for customers, and how we help your sites perform

Google is releasing a new grading mechanism for website performance, called Core Web Vitals (CWV). These new metrics focus on page loading, page interactivity, and page visual stability. 

The SEO implications will be dramatic, forcing digital leaders to reassess their preparedness for delivering and improving good web performance.

What contributes to web performance

These are the four main components that contribute to performance:

  • CMS: the software used as your content management system.
  • Platform: the servers and software that provide hosting and delivery mechanisms for your content. 
  • Website themes and plugins: the templates and integrations you use for your site. 
  • Front end code: the CSS and other code that determines what users see on your website.

It’s very important to choose the right CMS, platform, themes, and integrations. That being said, your front end code is frequently where Core Web Vitals performance problems are resolved.

Is WordPress a good CMS for CWV and SEO?

Search Engine Optimization can make or break website performance. Knowing that, over more than two decades, WordPress has made a serious, ongoing commitment to SEO and website performance.

This focus has led to WordPress being adopted by more than 40% of the world’s websites. SEO performance is—and always will be—one of the highest priorities for WordPress. 

The WordPress VIP Platform advantage

We cater to global customers who place the highest priority on user experience. As such, our platform includes built-in features, capabilities, and hardware that benefits Core Web Vitals performance:

  • Auto-scaling Fast Servers: Deliver your experiences with high-performing infrastructure that automatically responds and adapts to the moment—globally.
  • Adaptive Media: Ensure premium performance for users, regardless of delivery channel, thanks to automatic resizing and optimization of images and other media. 
  • Concatenation & Minification of JS & CSS: Minimize code and markup in your web pages to reduce load times and bandwidth usage.
  • Edge Caching: Thirty points of contact worldwide mean your users experience reduced round trip latency, ensuring consistent, high-quality performance.
  • Object Caching: Store database query results, reducing repetitive work done by origin servers and delivering queries faster. 
  • AMP & PWA: WordPress AMP and PWA support enables web experiences that are consistently fast, beautiful, and high-performing.

The WordPress VIP Support advantage

WordPress VIP Support frees you to focus on your critical business. Working with our team means guidance through the ecosystem of the web, collaboratively working on strategies to ensure you are thoroughly prepped for success. 

  • Experts in WordPress at Scale: We help global organizations deliver engaging digital experiences, consulting to guide enterprise-grade performance.
  • Architectural Consulting: We guide you through the WordPress ecosystem, helping identify the best themes, plugins, and integrations for your websites. 
  • Ecosystem Knowledge: We know which development agencies meet the cut—and which do not. We help you choose the partners who bring experience specific to your projects and industry. 
  • Self-serve Documentation: We provide a robust library of documentation on best practices, written by WordPress experts. 
  • Google Partnership: We work directly with Google. That partnership, and the ubiquity of WordPress, means that new developments in Google technology are integrated with WordPress first.
  • Partnerships with SEO Leaders: We work closely with organizations like Yoast, Botify, Jetpack, Siteimprove, XWP, Alley, and others.

Interested in learning more?

We love to discuss the web and WordPress performance—feel free to reach out and schedule time with us. 

You can also learn more by watching this webinar with Google and XWP.

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