
At WordPress VIP, we believe that the best relationships are the ones built upon trust. We do our part to build and maintain this through communication, transparency, accountability, and empathy.


So often, it’s simple breakdowns in communication that cause the largest headaches. Our job is to fully understand the objectives, needs, and directions of our customers.


We actively work to provide our customers with as much access and insight into our day-to-day activities as possible.


We all have a job to do. We’re not here to point fingers, assign blame, or use excuses when deadlines are missed, assignments are incomplete, or there’s otherwise an issue with performance. We take total responsibility for our assignments.

We also expect our customers to trust us, to respect our time, attention, and expertise, and to work with us toward shared goals. To put this another way: we value partnerships with our customers and want to be seen and treated as their extended team. Wins and losses are ours to share.


Not everyone has a team and organization with a culture formed by our creed. We seek to understand the context in customer requests and get to the root of their objectives with the goal of coming to the best possible solution.

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